Peer Review Blog

We decided to get someone we know to peer review our video. As a result, I chose my younger brother Oscar to peer review it. My brother is the type of person who says whatever is on his mind. So I trust his opinion on the video. But before he watched the video. I had to give him a description of what it was about. Just from what I said he seemed displeased. He then told me that it was like other films and not original. This is when I realized that I shouldn't have asked my brother for him to review the video. He going to make me see all the flaws within the film. When he was watching the video I was looking at his facial expression. With only his facial expression I noticed that it wasn't his face of disappointment. But it was more of a face of pleasure. I felt at ease when I noticed that he did somewhat enjoy it. The input he said was that there were some unnecessary scenes in the film that didn't fit. So we are planning on reshooting some new scenes. But we are going to do that tomorrow. We will also rerecord some scenes since he didn't like the camera work. I'm thankful to my brother for being so honest with me and willing to help. The recording session tomorrow should be an easy reshoot since we know what we are doing.
